Binley Woods Primary School
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Binley Woods Primary School
Home Page Pre-School


Starting School in September 2023?



Come and see what Binley Woods Primary School can offer your child.

We would like to invite you to have a look around our school where we can talk to you about our provision for children and the experiences and opportunities they have at Binley Woods Primary and of course answer any questions you may have as well.  We hope that this helps you as you make this important decision for your child.   


We hold open evenings in the Autumn term for prospective parents but are more than happy to show you around at other times. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit with the Headteacher.  



Please contact the school office if you have any questions or queries.

tel: 024 7654 3754


Admission arrangements for Binley Woods Primary School are managed by our local authority, Warwickshire.  For further information please follow the link below.  The closing date for applications for Reception September 2023 is 15th January 2023.


Local Authority Information for Admissions for September 2023:


  • Parents must apply for a school place through their Local Authority (the county where you live).  Parents may apply for a place at any preferred school.
  • Non-Warwickshire schools can be listed on the Warwickshire application form.
  • If you live within a school’s priority area you have more chance of your child being offered a place at that school.  However living within the priority area does not guarantee an offer of a place at that school as there may be more applicants living within the priority area than the number of places available.
  • Warwickshire residents are encouraged to apply online.
  • Places are offered according to the admissions criteriaLate applications will be considered after all those received on-time.

You must comply with the deadlines set by your Local (Home) Authority.


Warwickshire Local education Authority are also offering the following support in April 2023:


Parents and carers waiting for primary school offers invited to meet school admissions team online

Parents and carers of children who will be starting school for the first time in September are invited to join an online webinar on Wednesday 12 April with WCC's school admissions team. The webinar is to give parents and carers an opportunity to understand more about the school offer that they will receive on National Offer Day, which is 17 April. Please use the link below to book a place:

Timetable for entry in Reception September 2023


Stage of processDate
Primary school application period opens1st November 2022
Closing date for applications15th January 2023
National Offer Day17th April 2023


Growing Every Child
  • Binley Woods Primary School,
  • Coombe Drive, Binley Woods, Coventry,
  • Warwickshire, CV3 2QU
  • | Tel: 0247 6543 754
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