Binley Woods Primary School
English Curriculum
At Binley Woods Primary School, not only do we ensure that children progress and develop a wide range of accurate skills in speaking and listening, reading, and writing as purposes of effective communication, but we also strive through everything we do to develop in our children a love and passion of language and literature.
We enthuse children to become readers with a rich variety of real books in different genres, from different cultures and from both well-known and new authors. We also encourage inclusivity by exploring different types of texts so that all readers are engaged no matter where their interests lie. This all threads through the whole curriculum we offer.
We adapt the context of our English teaching so that it is always current, relevant and meaningful to our children. We use opportunities within our literature to allow our children to explore, experience and develop an accurate command of a wide range of vocabulary so they can express themselves fluently and with confidence across the curriculum.
Our children are encouraged to become curious about literature, critical thinkers and effective word smiths, to discuss what they have read and then use their reading and shared ideas to become excellent and imaginative writers. To reach their very best writing potential, we also nurture their developing coherence, accuracy and stamina.
We instil in our children that English speaking, reading and writing are lifelong skills and we sow the seeds of good habits which not only nurture their creativity and personal enrichment, but also underpins their progress across the curriculum and supports their future success.