Long-term P.E. planning at Binley Woods ensures that our curriculum is recursive and cumulative. Teachers give children time to secure movements and skills that build into team sport and individual sport. Through our well-structured curriculum, we are able to build on language and approach in all year groups. Teachers ensure that children build upon previous learning and acquire fluency of movement and skill before moving promptly to the next step. Children are motivated through appropriate support and challenge.
Children learn how to peer assess and self-assess from Yr. R onwards. Teachers make isolated skills or elements explicit and modelling how to assess and give feedback. Teachers use questioning such as ‘How can we make this more challenging?’, ‘Why is this successful?’ or ‘How can I improve this?’.
Adults understand and have access to quality equipment and approaches (outlined on planning) that enable inclusivity and differentiation. Teachers, coaches and mid-day supervisors reinforce P.E. learning through play at break times by ensuring appropriate equipment is available and leading or playing alongside the children in their class.
Children, staff members and visitors effectively communicate positive attitudes and sporting achievements with each other, always highlighting effort as well as success. Adults talk to children about their own experiences outside of school, showing how proud they are.
We have a diverse after school and lunchtime sports/skills clubs offered by ‘Onside Coaching'. Children can choose from gymnastics, archery, football, cross country, dodgeball, basketball and forest school. Children with the greatest need are identified through effective communication with parents and between school staff. Children receiving pupil premium are supported financially to access after school clubs.
Across our school, we use ‘PE Planning’ as a guide to plan PE sessions and work alongside our ‘Onside’ PE coaches. In our school, every child takes part in two planned PE sessions per week, one with their class teacher and one with an ‘Onside’ coach this gives the children time and opportunity to develop their movements and skills.
Throughout all key stages, children apply learnt skills in class PE sessions and/or interschool competition. Competition provides the experience of winning and losing in a supportive and safe environment as well as making learning memorable and giving a focus and outcome for any scheme of work. The P.E. lead, supported by all staff members and ‘Onside’ coaches, continually assesses and refines the effectiveness of the sports and activities on offer that best meet our intent for pupils. Our broad offer is made up of curriculum time, play time and before/after school clubs.
Adults model respect at all times by demonstrating and explicitly highlighting good sporting values. This may take the form of helping an opposition player, flagging when they have made a mistake or infringed a rule or simply celebrating effort and congratulating others.