Binley Woods Primary School
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Binley Woods Primary School
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Y2 trip to Coventry

Year 2 had a fantastic day out at The Herbert Art Gallery and Coventry Transport Museum. We learnt how to print using rollers and ink and created our own repeated patterns. We then explored the history of bicycles, which is linked to our History topic 'Victorians.' We have been investigating many Victorian inventors, in particular James Starley who invented the first ever Penny farthing. The children had the opportunity to test out their balance to see if they were able to ride the Penny Farthing and also tested out two scooters, one with wooden wheels and the other with rubber wheels to make comparisons between the smoothness of the ride and the comfort factor. We investigated how height can have an impact on balance, as this is crucial when riding a Penny farthing.

Growing Every Child
  • Binley Woods Primary School,
  • Coombe Drive, Binley Woods, Coventry,
  • Warwickshire, CV3 2QU
  • | Tel: 0247 6543 754
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