Binley Woods Primary School
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Binley Woods Primary School
Home Page Pre-School



Our PTA is a friendly association that works hard to raise funds to enrich the experience of children at our school. All members of the school community are welcome to come to meetings or help at events - we value any support you can give. 

Please check the tabs at the bottom of this page to find specific PTA information such as meeting minutes, AGM details, schedule of PTA events, finance reports etc.  We also have a very active Facebook page which can be accessed below.  smileye The PTA has its own website for booking events and information sharing: 


Follow us on Facebook here


Meeting Dates 2022-23


Autumn Term 2022Spring Term 2023Summer Term 2023
September:January:  12th JanuaryMay:  
October:   AGM 5.10.22

February:  1st February

November:  2.11.22March:  1st MarchJuly:  
December:  Meeting cancelledApril:  26th April 


Binley Woods Primary School

The PTA at Binley Woods Primary School and Woodlands Pre-School are a group of parents, grandparents, teachers and other friends of the school who work together to support our children, providing a range of additional resources and opportunities which enrich the learning opportunities they enjoy. We arrange a variety of fund raising events throughout the year which we all enjoy and which raise much needed funds. Recently the PTA have bought 2 sets of i pads and charging trolleys for the children to use in lessons. We have raised funds for 6 visualisers, one for each class in KS1 and KS2. These project images onto the interactive whiteboards and really enhance learning. We have also bought a substantial number of new books for the school's new library, as well as subsidising coach travel. We also contribute to visiting theatre groups.

If you want to contact any member of the PTA please telephone the school office, who will put you in touch.

How do I become a member of PTA?

By default, every parent, guardian, teacher or carer of a child at Binley Woods Primary School AND Woodlands Pre-School is automatically a member of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

Why do we need the PTA?

The PTA is here for you - the parents, guardians and teachers of all the children who attend Binley Woods Primary School.

Our main aim is to raise funds to purchase items that would otherwise fall outside the school's budget such as equipment, books, etc, and help support trips and days out by funding the cost of the coaches. We also provide an informal social network for parents.

How does it work?

The PTA is currently run by a fun group of volunteers who regularly attend the PTA meetings and help to organise events such as: Movie Nights, Quiz Nights, Wrapping Rooms, Cake Sales, Summer Fete, Summer Sleepover, Disco, and the Christmas Fair.
We have elected officers of the PTA (these are elected every year at our AGM in October), however everyone is free to contribute as little or as much as they like as infrequently or as often as they like.

Currently the elected officers for the year 2022-23 are:
Amelia Rabin Williams (Chair)
Vacancy  (Vice Chair)
Mandy Smith (Secretary)

Hayley Nightingale (Treasurer)


If you feel you would like to get involved either by helping at an event, giving us a great idea or you have a skill that you think we could use, making cakes, marketing or PR experience to name but a few then please get in touch.

All we ask of you is your name, phone number and email address. This is put on a database of members who can help organise and /or run any the events we pencil into the school term.

We are always happy to welcome new volunteers and appreciate all the help that we get.

PTA Meetings

All the PTA meetings are held in school.

We meet on a monthly basis through term time usually on a Wednesday and we try to keep meetings to an hour!

The start time for the meetings is 7.00 pm, typically we discuss upcoming events, planning in advance these activities and working as a team to ensure everything is planned out ready to go.  

If you would like any further information, pop along to school where we will help you. 

Match Funding!

Does your employer support Match Funding? 

It is a scheme that many employers (especially big employers) do to support charities and organsations such as schools in their community.  They will financially match the funds raised at an event if their employee has been supporting it.  So if the Christmas Fair for example, raised £1500 and their employee helped on a stall, they would match it and the school would raise £3000 instead.  These charitable contributions are tax deductable for employers.  However they need to know that you are taking part so please approach them to see if they run such a scheme.  We really appreciate all the help we can get to maximise our fund raising because as you will be aware, our school budget is stretched to the limit.   

Image result for match funding

Christmas wreath making

Elfridges present room

Easter chocolate tombola

Growing Every Child
  • Binley Woods Primary School,
  • Coombe Drive, Binley Woods, Coventry,
  • Warwickshire, CV3 2QU
  • | Tel: 0247 6543 754
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