Binley Woods Primary School
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EYFS Curriculum Implementation

EYFS Curriculum Implementation


Our curriculum follows the 2021 Early Years Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This document specifies the requirements for learning and development in the EYFS and details the prime and specific areas of learning we must cover in our curriculum. We have used the 'Birth to 5 Matters' document to support the development of our curriculum which is planned progressively from when children join us in Preschool and throughout Reception up until the end of the EYFS.


In order to ensure that our curriculum is progressive, we have long term curriculum maps for Preschool and Reception in each of the seven areas of learning. The skills and knowledge detailed on the curriculum map is then used to inform our half-termly curriculum maps.


Our half-termly theme titles enable practitioners to support the children's learning of the skills and knowledge set out in our curriculum map which engages them in new learning and sparks their interests. We begin each theme by engaging children in an area of learning using books and artefacts. We teach children new knowledge and skills to move their learning forward and within our themes, we follow their interests to ensure they are engaged in and have ownership of their learning.


Our children learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking. Our provision ensures that children develop these positive attitudes to learning. This is achieved through our carefully planned and organised learning environment which provides an engaging and stimulating place for children to develop independent learning skills and the knowledge set out in our curriculum.


Teaching and learning is tailored to the needs of the cohort of children and provides a balance of adult-led and child-initiated learning opportunities. The children learn early skills in Maths and Phonics through taught adult led sessions. This happens in both Preschool and Reception in developmental and age appropriate ways. The children then have the opportunity to practise these skills whilst accessing carefully planned enhancements and activities in our continuous provision.


Adults play a key role through facilitating learning in a play partner role, as well as supporting learning through focussed adult-led activities. We use the principles of Shared Sustained Thinking when interacting with our children as it supports the development of their early language and vocabulary. Adults ‘think aloud’ to model sentence structure and language, as well as posing open ended questions or suggestions. This supports children with extending their answers and gradually being able to communicate thoughts, ideas and knowledge in more detail.


Through their interactions with the children; adults become very knowledgeable about their needs, interests and current attainment. Adults record ‘wow’ moments when a child takes a next step in their learning which are collated using Tapestry. We strive for all children to make progress from their varied starting points and attainment is tracked throughout the year. This enables us to identify which children are ‘on track’, identify individual needs and plan for targeted support. We have assessment ‘Checkpoints’ at key points in the academic year (baseline and end of Autumn/Spring Terms) and end of year ‘Curriculum Goals’ for Preschool and Reception.


Parents and Carers receive half-termly curriculum letters which detail our up-coming learning as well as information and activities to support early reading and Maths. We encourage parents to share photographs of their child’s learning and achievements when not at school to upload to Tapestry and build a picture of the child's learning in and out of school. Parents and Carers are informed about their child’s learning at termly Parent's Evenings alongside informal opportunities such as parent information sessions and at the end of the school day.


Growing Every Child
  • Binley Woods Primary School,
  • Coombe Drive, Binley Woods, Coventry,
  • Warwickshire, CV3 2QU
  • | Tel: 0247 6543 754
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