Binley Woods Primary School
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Binley Woods Primary School
Home Page Pre-School



At Binley Woods, we use Discovery RE to help scaffold well planned and sequenced series of enquiry based RE lessons. This enables the children to build upon prior learning and call upon their own experiences of the community they live in.

Children use an enquiry based approach to analyse “Big Questions” about different faiths and religions. These enquiries are based upon a question around which 6 lessons are taught usually over half a term which allow the children time to investigate, evaluate and express what they have learnt whilst trying to address the question.

At Binley Woods

  • Discovery RE provides a progressive framework of lessons which allow children to revisit and build upon previous learning as they progress through each of the Key Stages from Early Years through to Year 6.
  • Children’s learning is clearly mapped out through each of the Year groups in a long term plan which clearly shows prior coverage and learning. (See attached Long Term plan).
  • Children over their time at Binley Woods will learn about a range of different faiths and beliefs with the main emphasis upon Christianity.
  • Children will learn to express their ideas and opinions based upon the knowledge they have acquired using the correct vocabulary.
  • Visits to different places of worship and visits from people of different faiths will enrich and embed their learning as well as allowing the opportunity to ask questions of experts.
  • Teachers will use a variety of methods from quizzes and discussion to more formal written work to track children’s progress and to identify misconceptions or misunderstandings.
Growing Every Child
  • Binley Woods Primary School,
  • Coombe Drive, Binley Woods, Coventry,
  • Warwickshire, CV3 2QU
  • | Tel: 0247 6543 754
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