Binley Woods Primary School
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Binley Woods Primary School
Home Page Pre-School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 

Miss Sharma and Miss Richardson 

Autumn 2


 Our driver theme this term is based around Geography and map skills.  Our enquiry question is: ‘How do I use a map in our local woodland?’.  The children will learn how to read a map and use a compass.  They will look at the different map symbols and will look closely at an OS map of our local area.   Using the eight points of the compass will be another skill they will learn and how to navigate the woods using a compass.  They will take part in lots of lovely practical activities on the school field and in the woods using their new skills.    




In English, we are focusing on descriptive and narrative writing.  We will be using our two main class texts as a stimulus for our writing.  Our first book is Journey by Aaron Becker which is a picture book and we are looking very carefully at each picture and telling the story.  We will be working hard on describing the settings used in the book.  We will then be reading Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl in this half term too! 


Reading, as always, will be a crucial part of the children’s learning. The children will have a variety of reading lessons this year, whole class comprehension lessons, Little Wandle reading groups, AR quizzes, as well as one to one reading.  




In maths this half term, we will be focusing on Number Sense: what the children know about numbers and number facts. They will revise key mental strategies that they have encountered throughout Key Stage 1 and the learning in this unit will be revisited and practised frequently during Maths Meetings, which last for about 15 minutes every day and help to develop fluency and reasoning skills. We will also focus on the understanding of place value for numbers up to 1000. The children will develop a deeper understanding of the magnitude of numbers and develop useful mental calculating skills such as rounding and place value addition and subtraction. They go on to apply this knowledge to solve problems.    




This half term we will be learning about the power of forces.  We will investigate what force is making an object move in our first few lessons. We will then find out what materials are magnetic and how magnets work.  This unit will link to our geography work about using a compass too.    




In RE, we will be exploring a focussed enquiry question: Has Christmas lost its true meaning?  We start by thinking how we celebrate Christmas with our families.  We will be reading the Christmas story and will think about why it is an important celebration for Christians. The children will be involved in the Shoebox Appeal which we will put together as a class to think about different items that people around the world need and may ask for Christmas.


Design and Technology


In DT this term the children will designing and making their own Christmas decoration.  We will start by looking at the variety of Christmas decorations available and look at the designs used.  We will then learn how to sew two pieces of felt together using different stitches.  We will then design our own Christmas decoration and will spend time making it.  Finally, we will evaluate our decoration.  These decorations will come home at the end of term.  



This half term the children will be learning skills to support them to play volleyball on Mondays.  We will be learning skills to help us compete against others in a game situation.  The children will need to react quickly, watch the ball as it travels and send the ball accurately. With our OnSide coaches, children will be doing gymnastics on Tuesdays.      



In computing this half term we will be revisiting online safety and think how we can keep ourselves safe when online.  We will then learn how to use some spreadsheet skills such as creating pie charts and bar graphs.  They will use the advanced mode of 2calculate on Purple Mash.   




In PSHE this half term the children will consider many aspects linked to the unit ‘Celebrating Differences’.  We will be thinking about how our families are different and important.  We will look at bullying and what to do to help if someone is being bullied. 


Important information

  • PE this half term is timetabled for Monday and Tuesday. Children should come to school wearing a white T shirt, black shorts/joggers and trainers/plimsolls.  


  • The children will need to bring in their reading books and reading records every day. They will be able to quiz on their AR books during the school day. 


  • Homework will be sent every week.  The tasks are outlined in the weekly email sent to parents and are explained in class.  There will be an English task and a maths task that links to the lessons we have been doing during the week.   Children will also need to read to an adult 3 times per week and record this in their reading records.  They can also use Timetables Rockstar to help them secure their multiplication and division facts. 


  • Spellings will be sent home weekly in their yellow spelling books.  These will be a focus during our spelling lesson during the week.  It would be great to learn any tricky words at home. Please bring in the yellow spelling books on Friday so you can have the next set of words.  



How you can help your child at home

Children can access Purple Mash at home to do some extra games with the spellings for the week. They can also access the computing lessons for this half term.

Support your child in learning multiplication and division facts.

Listen to your child read at least 3 times per week and have discussions about the text (record the reading sessions in their reading records).


If you have any queries or questions about this information or any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Many thanks,

Miss Sharma.


Useful links:

Oxford Owl- provides access to free e-books (you have to create a free account to view them).


Your child has an individual log-in for this website. They can play spelling games based on lists of words. Please email Miss Sharma if you need reminding of your logins. 


Use these links to find an interesting image. What do you think is happening? Can you describe what is happening in your exercise book? Can you write a story about it?


On the Pobble 365 website, there is a different image everyday for you to use. If you click on 'Pick a Day' in the right hand corner of the Pobble 365 website you can select an image from any day. 


This website gives you access to thousands of free audio books, suitable for children to listen to once you sign up for free. 


Audible also has a large variety of free audiobooks for you to listen to. 


BBC Bitesize has lots of games and activities to revise spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG).


The School Reading List provides a variety of suggested texts that are appropriate for your children. 


This website has LOTS of age appropriate maths resources and they have produced home learning packs for each year group with helpful videos and activities for each day of home learning. 


This website has lots of fun maths games. 


Look out for updates on inter-class battles!


BBC Supermovers : Select KS2 Mathematics to find all of our times tables dances and routines!


Other subjects:

Lots of free videos, games and presentations about different topics and themes, see what takes your fancy!


Once clicking this link, choose 'Espresso' from the drop down log-in menu in the top right hand corner. You have been given, in the front of your exercise books, a username and password for this website. 


Free resources to help learn more about Science, History and Geography topics.


With this link you can take a virtual tour around the British Museum, London. 


This website has lots of activities you can do in the garden, as well a lots of information about animals and plants for research tasks.


These games are the first steps of computer programming, they are very engaging for children. 


This is a typing game for children to become confident in typing on a keyboard. 


This website has fun movement videos for children.

We work with a company called SEND Supported at school and they are releasing newsletters each week offering support and guidance to parents of children who many have additional needs in school. Please find below a link to these newsletters:

There are also lots of other resources and information available on their website. The 'Things to do Issue 2 - Resources' file has some lovely activities for all children regardless of whether they have additional needs or not. There are lots of great visual puzzles and games for children to play so please have a look if you can. There are also resources available now to support with developing children's memory skills in 'Thing to do Issue 3 - Resources.'

Growing Every Child
  • Binley Woods Primary School,
  • Coombe Drive, Binley Woods, Coventry,
  • Warwickshire, CV3 2QU
  • | Tel: 0247 6543 754
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