The Role and Impact of the Governing Body
The governors act as a "critical friend" to the school, monitoring and overseeing the smooth running of the school and supporting and listening to staff and parents. The governing body is responsible for the strategic management of the school and for determining its aims, objectives and policies in accordance with all the relevant legislation.
The head manages the school from day to day and is the governing body’s principal professional adviser who assists it with the formulation and implementation of its aims, objectives, policies and plans.
School governors help schools provide the best possible education for their pupils:
The Governing Body is part of the leadership team of Binley Woods Primary School and is made up of interested and committed volunteers who challenge and support the school in its work. The governors produce an annual newsletter for parents and attend a range of events at which you can meet them such as parents' evenings and information evenings. Governors also take part in a range of activities related to school improvement and blog about their work on this page of the website.
Governors meet once a month to evaluate the work of the school. Governors meetings monitor the curriculum and the quality of teaching and learning and standards. They also monitor the school's budget and financial processes as well as the premises and health and safety systems, and also review policy. Governors with identified expertise work in workshop groups, attend finance meetings, attend meetings with subject leaders and safeguarding and special educational needs meetings, so that they can both support and challenge the Headteacher and other school leaders in their work. Governors audit their skills annually and work together to share the broad range of expertise they have to build capacity across the team. Governors also monitor the finances and long term viability of Woodlands Pre-school along with the quality of the early years provision.
Binley Woods Primary School Governing Body Information 2024-2025
Name | Date of Appt to full Governing Body | Category of Governor | Position | Appt to Current Role | Date Role Expires | Pecuniary Interest Registered? Nature of Interest | Governor at another School? | Relationship with other Governors or School Staff | Attendance 2023-2024 |
Jane Hancox | - | - | School Governance Professional | - | - | - | WCC Clerking Service | - | |
Roger Manning | 1.11.97 | LA Governor | Chair of Governors | 1.11.16 | 02.07.28 | No | Yes | No | 8/9 |
Jasmine Fowler | 15.1.20 | Staff Governor | Teacher Governor | 15.1.20 | 15.1.24 | No | No | No | 9/9 |
Karen Sharp | 08.04.22 | Head Teacher | Head Teacher | 08.04.22 | Continuing | No | No | No | 9/9 |
Cat Strickland | 16.02.22 | Parent Governor | Governor | 16.02.22 | 16.02.26 | No | No | No | 8/9 |
Emily Hopkins-Hayes | 16.02.22 | Parent Governor | Governor | 16.02.22 | 16.02.26 | No | No | No | 6/9 |
Lucy Beck | 3.7.14 | Co-opted Governor | Vice Chair, Safeguarding Governor | 14.06.19 | 14.06.27 | No | No | No | 7/9 |
Jamie Brown | 1.5.18 | Co-opted Governor | Vice Chair of Governors | 01.05.18 | 01.05.26 | No | No | No | 7/9 |
Lynn Jones | 1.10.00 | Co-opted Governor | Governor | 14.06.19 | 14.06.27 | No | No | No | 8/9 |
Michelle Wells | 9.11.12 | Co-opted Governor | Health and Safety, Training Link Governor | 01.11.16 | 01.11.24 | No | No | No | 5/9 |
Hayley Nightingale | 16.03.22 | Co-opted Governor | Finance Governor | 16.03.22 | 16.03.26 | No | No | Treasurer of the PTA and volunteer at the school. | 8/9 |