To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in history, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Learning in Preschool and Reception is planned using Development Matters and learning in KS1 and KS2 is based on The National Curriculum. The knowledge, skills and understanding that children need to learn is detailed in our long term planning. The progression of historical skills, chronological understanding, knowledge and interpretation and historical enquiry are clearly defined with expectations for each year group. Planning builds on previous knowledge and skills and ensures that learning opportunities enable children to develop understanding of history. We assess History through ongoing formative assessment which reviews progress through review of work, quizzes, detail in writing and use of vocabulary and language to articulate ideas and concepts which build over the time the unit is taught.
The History curriculum is also enriched by educational visits to local museums and historical sites, as well as historical days in school with outside visitors. These experiences enable the children to develop their historical understanding in a more real life and hands on way and to see artefacts first hand.