It is important that our PSHE curriculum incorporates our school values of kindness, self-belief, curiosity, resilience, respect and partnership, because we aim to enable all children, regardless of background, ability and additional needs, to flourish and to become confident young people.
To support the teaching of PSHE and RSE at Binley Woods Primary School we use a published scheme of work called Jigsaw. This was selected as it offers a comprehensive programme for Primary PSHE, including statutory Relationships and Health Education, in a spiral, progressive and fully planned scheme of work, giving children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others.
For example, in the unit of work called ‘Dreams and Goals’, in Key Stage 1 children are taught about the importance of persevering and of working in partnership with each other. In Key Stage 2 the children develop the learning further to learn how working with other people can make the world a better place.
We teach PSHE through a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and are sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. Pupils accumulate knowledge as they progress through the scheme. For example, in ‘Healthy Me’ in Key Stage 1 children learn about how keep themselves healthy through good lifestyle choices for sleep, nutrition, rest and exercise and this is then built upon in Key Stage 2 when medicine safety, smoking and drug and alcohol education are covered.
During the year, all children will have the opportunity to develop their understanding of PSHE and how this impacts them in school but it also teaches them the skills they need to develop into successful members of our society. For example, in the unit of work called ‘Celebrating Difference’ in Key Stage 1 children learn that everyone’s differences make them special and unique and that we shouldn’t judge people just because of their differences. This develops in Key Stage 2 into showing empathy and kindness for people who may be judged and giving the children confidence to be able to vocalise their thoughts and feelings about prejudice and discrimination and why it happens.
Throughout the year children have the opportunity to engage with further opportunities for personal, social and health development. Every year we teach the scheme Taking Care as part of our Protective Behaviours work, which helps the children to develop an understanding of how to safeguard themselves and each other. We want the children to have respect for each other and show kindness to others, so in November we have an Anti-Bullying Week which along with termly Anti-Bullying check-ups, teaches the children how to look out for signs of bullying and what to do if they are worried they are being bullied.
Being healthy is valued through whole school events such as sports week and regular participation in PE lessons and competitive events, as well as discussions in class about important topics such as eating a healthy range of foods or regular handwashing and why this is important.
As a school we also support charity events such as Children in Need and we have recently implemented a Peer Wellbeing Champion scheme with the support of the school nursing service to raise awareness around mental health and wellbeing. Residential trips in Years 5 and 6 provide excellent opportunities for children to put into practice and to further develop their PSHE skills.