Woodlands Pre-School at Binley Woods Primary School
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We are now able to accept 3 year olds who are eligible for the new 15 hour working parents entitlement. Please contact us for more information.
'Growing Every Child'
Woodlands Pre-School offers high quality pre-school provision for children in Binley Woods and the surrounding area.
Woodlands Pre-School works as part of an integrated foundation unit for children of pre-school and reception age. Our foundation unit is staffed by a qualified teacher, an early years teaching assistant and experienced early years educators. This enables us to ensure our provision is of the highest standards and provides continuity and progression throughout the Foundation Stage.
We offer pre-school sessions three times a year for children starting from the September, January and April following their third birthday. The sessions run every morning from 9.00am until 12.00pm and are financed by the DfE through parent's Universal Entitlement. We also offer the option of a lunch club for pre-school children charged at a daily rate of £7.50 which enables their session to be extended from 12.00pm until 1.30pm, offering more flexibility to parents.
We also offer 30 hour places, with sessions running from 9.00am until 3.00pm. The afternoon sessions can either be accessed using funding from the DfE for those parents who are eligible, or as paid sessions at a rate of £16.00 per afternoon.
For more information, please contact the school office
Telephone: 024 7654 3754
We really look forward to working with you.
Governance of Woodlands Pre-School
Woodlands Pre-School sits within the responsibilities of the Full Governing Body of Binley Woods Primary School. The Governing Body delegates the management of Woodlands Pre-School to the Woodlands Management Committee who report back to the Full Governing Body Termly. This committee oversees financial management, compliance for health and safety and safeguarding children, and business planning.
Members of the Management Committee:
Mrs K Sharp - Headteacher
Mr R Manning - Chair of Governors
Mrs S Beardmore - School Business Manager
Please note: Some of our policies are individual to Woodlands Pre-School but many are joint policies with Binley Woods Primary School.