Binley Woods Primary School
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Binley Woods Primary School
Home Page Pre-School

Year 5


Spring 1



Our driver subject this half term is Geography and our main enquiry is looking into Biomes, Climates and Vegetation Belts. The children will start this unit by identifying where different animals live around the world and identify why they may live there (e.g. climate conditions). The children will then learn about some of the major terrestrial biomes and locate them on a map in context of latitude, longitude and hemispheres. Next the children will learn how climate and vegetation are connected within a biome. After, they will use a map to find vegetation belts of the Earth and will categorise biomes and vegetation belts by their physical features, climate conditions, seasonal differences and ecosystems. The children will then focus on where we live and identify which biome we live in based on observations of local area to prove what biome we are living in. They will consider: Does our climate match our biome character? Next, they will investigate whether animals are living in the right biomes. After the children will study human impact on the planet’s biomes and how they have contributed to the growth or decline of certain biomes. Finally, to draw all of their learning together the children will complete an activity called ‘Long Way Down’ where they will map a journey which goes from North to South Pole travelling through as many different biomes as possible, using map references. The children will create a presentation reflecting the changes that take place to the climate and the vegetation. 





In English this half term, we will be reading and using as our writing stimulus ‘Floodland’ by Marcus Sedgwick. Over the half term, we will be completing many different reading activities to fully immerse the children into the story including making predictions, drama-based activities and comprehension tasks. Our first writing focus will be writing a diary as the main character from the story (Zoe) and the children will be using drama to consider her thoughts and feelings so these can be applied in their diaries. Next the children will learn about formal letters before writing a formal letter of advice to Zoe that provides her with advice on what to do next. The children must use an advisory tone, offer constructive advice but also be sensitive to her feelings. Next the children will be learning the key features of a good newspaper report and will be creating their own newspaper report linked to an event in the story. Finally, the children will learn how to make an effective persuasive speech and will then use these skills to make a speech to persuade Zoe to either try and get off the island alone or risk going with Dooby. Over the half term, the children will have SPAG lessons linked to their writing outcomes and will cover: parenthesis, direct/indirect speech and relative clauses.



In Maths, we will continue our unit on multiplication and division. We will then move onto ‘Perimeter and Area’ where the children will measure and calculate the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes in centimetres and metres and calculate and compare the area of rectangles (including squares), including using standard units, square centimetres (cm2) and square metres (m2) and estimate the area of non-rectilinear shapes. We will then be starting our three-week unit on fractions and decimals, where we will be: comparing and ordering fractions; recognising and using thousandths and relating them to tenths, hundredths and decimal equivalents; we shall read and write decimal numbers as fractions; round decimals and finally compare numbers with up to three decimal places. We will then start our next unit called, ‘Angles’. We will learn that angles are measured in degrees, how to estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles, we will also draw given angles and measure them and finally we will identify different types of angles. 





In Science, we will be learning all about forces with our unit ‘Feel the Force’. The children will learn that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object. They will identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces. Finally, the children will recognise that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. 




In RE, we will be focusing on Sikhism and will be exploring this enquiry question: Are Sikh stories important today? 


We will consider the following:


- Guru Nanak and the Jasmine Flower

- Bhai Lalo and Malik Bhago - quality and honesty

- Vaisakhi - Birth of the Khalsa

- Guru Nanak and the Cobra




In PSHE this half term the children will consider many aspects linked to the unit, ‘Dreams and Goals’.  The children will identify their future dreams and what they would like their life to be like

when they grown up. They will also learn that they will need money to help them achieve some of their dreams. They will investigate a range of jobs and careers and appreciate the contributions made by people in different jobs. The children will then consider their dream job and how to get there. Next, the children will describe the dreams and goals of young people in a culture different to theirs. Finally, they will identify ways we can support others (charity) to achieve their goals.  





This half term the children will be focusing on 2D Modelling. 

They will explore the different viewpoints in 2Design whilst designing a building.

The children will adapt one of the vehicle models by moving the points to alter the shape of the vehicle while still maintaining it's form. The children will explore how to edit a  polygon 3D model to design a 3D model for a purpose. Children will refine one of their designs to prepare it for printing. The children will finally explore the possibilities of 3D printing.



In Design and Technology lessons the children will research, design, make and evaluate a 3D model of a moving animal, with a cam mechanism. The children will be given opportunities to explore and practise making cam mechanisms, before making their final product and evaluating it.




This half term the children will be learning the skills to support them in Basketball.

In their other PE lesson, they will be learning lots of skills in vollyball.


PE this half term is timetabled for Monday and Tuesday.

Children should come to school wearing a white T shirt, black shorts/joggers, school sweatshirt or cardigan and trainers on these days.





Useful Links to Practise Key Skills





Oxford Owl- provides access to free e-books (you have to create a free account to view them) 




Your child has an individual log-in for this website. They can play spelling games based on lists of words. 






Use these links to find an interesting image. What do you think is happening? Can you describe what is happening in your exercise book? Can you write a story about it?


On the Pobble 365 website, there is a different image everyday for you to use. If you click on 'Pick a Day' in the right hand corner of the Pobble 365 website you can select an image from any day. 




This blogger has compiled a list of children's authors with great books to read, each author has a few reading based activities on their website. 


Audible has lots of free audiobooks for children while you're learning at home.


KS2 Bitesize English is a fantastic resources to revise SPAG, different types of text and reading.




This website has lots of age appropriate maths resources and they have produced home learning packs for each year group with helpful videos and activities for each day of home learning. 



Maths Mastery have produced lots of fantastic free resources for children to use at home.






This website has lots of interactive Maths games. 


This website groups games together well and you can search by subject.





Times Table Rock Stars - your child has an individual log in for this.




This is a story based maths game which your child can log into with their TT Rock stars log ins.


Other Subjects:


This is a fantastic website with lots of videos, interactive activities and printable resources around all the subjects as well as current events. Great for exploring if you want some extra material in your home learning. Children you can watch the '60 Seconds News' following this link (the same as we watch in class!). 


Once clicking this link, choose 'Espresso' from the drop down log-in menu in the top right hand corner. You have been given, in the front of your exercise books, a username and password for this website. 


With this link you can take a virtual tour around the British Museum, London. 






This website has lots of activities you can do in the garden, as well a lots of information about animals and plants for research tasks.



Find out information and take quizzes using this link.




These games are the first steps of computer programming, they are very engaging for children. 




This is a typing game for children.


Joe Wicks 'The Body Coach' has a series of 5 minute videos aimed at children. He is also running a 30 minute PE session every morning at 9:00 on his YouTube channel (The Body Coach).




This website has fun movement videos for children

That's Christmas to me

That's Christmas to me lyrics

Growing Every Child
  • Binley Woods Primary School,
  • Coombe Drive, Binley Woods, Coventry,
  • Warwickshire, CV3 2QU
  • | Tel: 0247 6543 754
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